My mixed up story...

I enjoy my life by painting and playing with colors!

I am surrounded with amazing people that I love to hang up with!

Here is how it happened.... :)

My name is Anna Nazier-Bocheńska and I come from Poland. At school my favorite subject was art but with the surrounding mentality I would never think about this as my real job and way of earning money . I chose to study Physiotherapy at Sport Academy in Poznan, Poland and was working and developing myself in Polish and German clinics and associations. The most part I enjoyed at my work was helping people with their physical problems and creating a bond with them. I always call my patients my 3rd family :) (1st family is my real family, 2nd family are my friends, 3rd family are my patients). They trusted me and what I do. We were becoming friends.

Meanwhile I fell in love and married the smartest man I know, moved to Germany and had two wonderful boys. Life was running fast...

Things were about to change...

In 2021 I accidently saw an acrylic pouring video and fell totally in love with what effects those technics can create! From this moment on I couldn't stop speaking about it and showing it to my husband. One day he just bought me a set of colors and canvas and told me to try...
And I did.....
I painted EVERY DAY... I was still working as a physiotherapist and after work I had to take care of my kids and first after they slept I could start preparing my working space, which was our eating table. Starting from around 10 pm... Finishing at 2 am... Every free time that I have I spend educating myself about this technique and painting in general. 
I had few opportunities to exhibit my art in the local Castle Garden and Library in Oranienburg in Germany. I got asked a lot of questions about the technique and I caught myself that I love to speak about this and that I already know a lot about the topic of Acrylic Pouring. I did additional online courses by Rinske Dauna, Olga Soby and Molly Artistry.
I started to be asked if I do workshops with this technique and I tried to check how it would turn out. It turned out that people really like it. And I like it too!
After 12 years of working as a Physiotherapist, I started to have problems with my wrists and I couldn't do the therapy properly without damaging my wrist more.
I started to think to make my way of living from this what i fell in love with - art and connected it with what I loved the most about physiotherapy - educating and helping people.
This is how I started to make workshops for everyone who would like to try and learn acrylic pouring.
I still wish to develop and start cooperation with places like hospitals, residential homes for the elderly and clinics to introduce this kind of art to the patients.
I am really curious where my path is going to take me.
I will be very happy if you will join me in my journey!